Article Archives: News

Montana Supreme Court is wrong on legislative rules

As a practicing lawyer, I am often reluctant to criticize decisions made by a court. However, last week, the Montana Supreme Court rendered a decision involving legislative rules which is absolutely stunning. One of the basic principles of our system of government is the separation of powers. Under our constitution, there are three separate and … Continue reading Montana Supreme Court is wrong on legislative rules

Greg Hertz: Vote Republican for common sense solutions

It’s election season, also known as the season of misleading information. A prime example is what appears to be Montana Democrats’ main talking point on legislative races: “If the Republicans can flip just two more legislative seats, they’re coming after the Constitution.” What the Democrats fail to mention is that the legislature cannot change Montana’s … Continue reading Greg Hertz: Vote Republican for common sense solutions

Montana rights, liberties and freedoms protected

Montana Republicans protected your rights, liberties and freedoms during the 2021 legislative session. The Legislature focused on Covid-19 and passed laws to protect you from frivolous lawsuits, limit government’s ability to enforce vaccine and other mandates, and prohibit discriminatory shut downs of businesses and churches. The Legislature also passed laws to protect parental rights and … Continue reading Montana rights, liberties and freedoms protected

Senate Republicans Highlight Conservative Recognition to Close Out the Year

Montana Senate Republicans have earned recognition from a variety of conservative and business groups for their strong voting records in 2021. Senate Republicans averaged an impressive 89 out of 100 across four prominent legislative scorecards with the composite score of every Republican senator ranging between 75 and 95. Senate Majority Leader Cary Smith, R-Billings, praised … Continue reading Senate Republicans Highlight Conservative Recognition to Close Out the Year


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